Emerging Technologies in Drug Discovery and Development

Shanghai, September 23-25, 2024.

Event Info

Abstract submission
SCI journal publication
Other publishing options

Participants are encouraged to present their work either by oral or poster presentation.

Late abstract submissions are open until September 10.

Abstract submission: The one-page abstracts should be prepared as Word document according to the Instructions for authors and using the Template. The abstracts should be sent through the Abstract submission form. The form will appear as a menu item after you login to your user pages using your username and password. If you have not done so yet, please register with the IAPC website. Registration is quick and easy.

The corresponding author will be notified about its reception within 14 days. If not, please kindly enquire about it. When sending the abstract, please select the session and indicate your preferred presentation type: oral or poster. The organizer will do its best to secure enough speaking slots, but please note that due to the high interest and tight schedule of the conference, only a limited number of presentations can be presented orally.

Deadline for abstract submission: July 15, 2024. July 31, September 10, 2024.



Full paper submission: Selected conference contributions will be invited for submission in the special issue of the Pharmaceutical Research (IF 3.7).


The conference proceedings will be published as a special issue of ADMET and DMPK (IF (2023) =3.4). The participants are encouraged to suggest their contributions in the form of Short Communication or Extended abstract to this special issue.

The special issue is planned for March, 2024.

Article submission deadline: December 1, 2024.