Event Info
All participants are required to register for the conference by filling in the Registration form. 请点击注册表注册. The form will appear as a menu item after you login to your user pages using your username and password. If you have already not done so please register with the IAPC website. Registration is quick and easy.
Non-Chinese participants: After registration is completed, a link for the payment form is available. On the payment form, the type of payment (Bank transfer or PayPal payment) can be selected. In the case of Bank transfer payment, a Proforma invoice will be generated and sent to the participant's email address. The prices quoted below are VAT exclusive and 25% VAT will be added during the registration process. Please note that for PayPal, the transaction fee of 6% applies.
Chinese participants who wish to receive a VAT-registered invoice valid in China can proceed with the payment of the registration fee by choosing one of the payment options below but after filling in the registration form (in this case, they do not have to proceed to the payment form on the website).
中国参会者提交注册表(Registration from)后, 可按下面提供的工商银行帐户支付注册费。 单位名称:上海楠耀生物科技有限公司 税号:91310115MA1HAL8K0W
Registration fees: (注册费)
Registration type |
Early (until June 1), € / RMB (6月1日前) € 欧元/ RMB人民币 |
Regular (until Sept. 6), € / RMB 9月6日前) € 欧元/ RMB人民币 |
Late, € / RMB 9月6日后) € 欧元/ RMB人民币 |
Regular (正常价) | 270 / 2000 | 330 / 2500 | 390 / 3000 |
Student (学生价) | 200 / 1200 | 240 / 1500 | 290 / 1800 |
Accompanying person | 150 / 1125 | 170 / 1275 | 200 / 1500 |
Registration fees include: admission to all lectures, conference materials, lunches, welcome drink, coffee refreshments, reduced price for the excursion.
Accompanying person fee includes: welcome drink, excursion and three lunches.
Refund policy, changes and cancellation: the registration fee will be refunded (with a deduction of 15 % to cover the handling costs) if participation in the event is cancelled in writing two months before commencing of the event. If the participation is cancelled one month before the event, the costs will be refunded with 50 % deduction. No refund will be granted after this date.
Chinese visa requirements: Participants who need to obtain a Chinese visa should contact the organizer with the subject "Visa application" and request the Invitation letter. For the letter, the following data are required:
- Full name as written in the passport
- Passport number
- Date of birth
- Held position
- Affiliation
- Date of arrival and departure from China
Please note that the passport must be valid at least 6 months after the departure date.