9. International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Drug Discovery and Development (IAPC-9)
Shanghai, Novotel Hotel
September 23-25, 2024
organized by the International Association of Physical Chemists and co-organized by:
Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 北京大学药学院
Shanghai Jiao Tong University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 上海交通大学药学院
The conference is aimed at providing a unique global forum where scientists and leaders working in different but closely related areas of pharmaceutical research, from drug discovery through to drug development, will meet in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss and rationalize their results and challenges.Featured speakers

Klara obtained her PhD at Semmerlweis University in Budapest. Since 1995 Klara has been working with the Physico-chemical Characterization Group at GSK. Now she is director of Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Consultancy providing data analysis, biomimetic HPLC method set up and measurements, in vivo drug distribution modelling and various courses to pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of analytical equipment. Klara is also a honorary professor at University College London, where she has been teaching the Physchem/ADME module for the Drug Discovery. She has published over 100 papers that achieved over 3000 citations. She wrote a book on “Physicochemical and Biomimetic Properties in Drug Discovery; Chromatographic Techniques for lead optimization” published by Wiley in 2014.

Zhang Ao was awarded the Ph.D. diploma in Organic Chemistry in 2000. He was promoted to Instructor at Harvard Medical School in 2003 and Assistant Director of the Medicinal Chemistry Program at McLean Hospital in 2004. He was awarded Alfred Pope Young Investigator Award in 2004 and Adam Corneel Young Investigator Award in 2005 from Harvard Medical School. In 2006 he received the Hundred Talent Project award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and became the Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM). In 2011, he was awarded the Distinguished Young Investigator Award from Chinese Natural Science Foundation.

Dr. Zhuohan Hu is the Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Research Institute for Liver Diseases (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, and also serves as a Professor corporate mentor at Fudan University and Shanghai University of Chinese Medicines. Dr. Hu has over 100 publications and professional presentations. Dr. Hu has served for senior positions as Vice President and coordinator of Pharmaceutical Industries at Chinese Society for Study of Xenobiotics (CSSX) as Vice President since 2006. Dr. Hu has serviced as External Experts at Center for Drug Review of Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for reviewing IND/ND and drafting guidance.
Zhuohan HuProfessor, Founder/Chairman and CEO, Research Institute for Liver Diseases

Ning Jiao received his Ph.D. degree (2004) with Prof. Shengming Ma at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC). He then spent 2004-2006 as an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Manfred T. Reetz at Max Planck Institute für Kohlenforschung. In 2007, he joined the faculty at Peking University as an Associate Professor, and was promoted to Full Professor in 2010, and is currently the Yangtze-river scholars distinguished Professor at Peking University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society, and Associate Editor of Chemical Science.

Alex Avdeef, PhD, is an AAPS Fellow, and the author of Absorption and Drug Development, Wiley, 2012. For over 40 years, he has been teaching, researching, & developing methods, instruments, & analysis software for measurement of ionization constants, solubility of practically-insoluble drugs, miniaturized dissolution, & permeability. His accomplishments in the development of instrumentation include several well-known instruments currently manufactured by leading companies in the instrument market (e.g., ORION960 Autochemistry System). He has over 120 technical publications in primary scientific journals & chapters in books, 6 patents. He founded in-ADME Research (USA) and co-founded pION INC (USA) in 1996 & Sirius Analytical (UK) in 1989.

Dr Bergström is Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics at Uppsala University where she is heading a research group focusing on delivery of poorly soluble compounds. She is in the steering committee of the Swedish Drug Delivery Forum where she also leads the Oral Drug Delivery Platform with drug delivery to the colon and intestinal absorption of biologics being in focus.
Dr Bergström is the cofounder of Center of Pharmaceutical Informatics at Uppsala University (now UDOPP) She is a cofounder of the Nordic Pharma Network and an EXCO member of a recently awarded NordForsk grant for a Nordic University Hub within patient-oriented products. She is also an EXCO member of the Globalization Pharmaceutics Education Network. In 2017, she was elected Deputy Dean of collaboration (Medicine and Pharmacy) at Uppsala University.

Dr. Xiaobao Yang is the Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Gluetacs Therapeutics, and also serves as a corporate mentor at ShanghaiTech University. He has over 15 years’ experience in drug discovery and formulation optimization, with 10 years’experience in targeting protein degradation. Prior to founding Gluetacs, he worked at Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies in ShanghaiTech University, where he served as assistant research fellow. Dr. Yang began his career with Glaxo Smith Kline as Scientist of Medicinal Chemistry and turned to Dongyue Pharma as CMC head. Dr. Yang obtained his Ph.D. in East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Annette Bauer-Brandl is an accredited pharmacist with a doctoral degree in Pharmaceutics. Currently she is a Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology at University of Southern Denmark. She is a specialist in the fields of materials science and processing (Quality by Design). She is well known for her awarded Handbook on Formulation, Manufacturing and Quality Assurance of Solid Dosage Forms. She serves at the EDQM and the Danish Pharmacopoeia Committee. Her group has invented a novel biomimetic membrane that allows permeation experiments under harsh conditions such as digestive processes. She published more than 300 scientific contributions.

Godefridus (Frits) J. Peters was appointed 1989 as head of the division of (Biochemical) Pharmacology, and was head of the Laboratory Medical Oncology from 2003-2017. He was appointed as associate-professor in 1992 and as full professor in 2003. The research of Prof. Peters is focused on translation of preclinical pharmacology of anticancer agents to the clinic. Prof Peters was involved in several Phase I and 2 studies of drugs now registered for treatment of cancer such as gemcitabine, pemetrexed, erlotinib, while “failed” clinical studies led to the development of successful drugs. Prof. Peters has authored/co-authored >450 refereed research papers and reviews.

Dr. Tonglei Li is Professor and Allen Chao Endowed Chair in the Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics at Purdue University. He received BS and MS in Chemistry and Computational Chemistry from Nankai University, China. He obtained PhD in Pharmaceutics and MS in Computer Science from Purdue University. He joined the University of Kentucky faculty and became an Associate Professor before returning to his alma mater and holding his current title. His research interests include computational chemistry and mathematics, multiscale modeling and simulation, high-performance computing, and drug development. Dr. Li currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of Pharmaceutical Research.

Houfu Liu is currently Vice President, Clinical Pharmacology/DMPK at SciNeuro Therapeutics Inc. Before SciNeuro, he was a senior director of DMPK at RetroLead Biopharma and associate director of Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics, and Metabolism, Translational Medicine and Early Development at Sanofi. Before Sanofi, Dr. Liu was a principal scientist and team leader of Mechanistic Safety and Disposition in Platform Technology and Science, GlaxoSmithKline R&D China, where he managed a team to provide DMPK support for various neuroscience drug discovery programs during 2008-2017. His research interests include population PK/PD and PBPK modeling and simulation, DDI, xenobiotic transporters, blood-brain barrier penetration.

Dr Likun Wang obtained his Ph.D. from National University of Singapore in year 2011, in the area of pharmaceutical technology. Dr Wang worked for Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development (Beerse, Belgium site) in the area of Preformulation and high throughput Drug Product & Drug Substance screening between 2011 and 2015 as senior scientist and group leader. Dr Wang joined Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. in year 2015 as the first director of Hengrui Nanjing R&D center. Dr Wang successfully built Hengrui Nanjing R&D teams, platforms, drug product pipelines, with more than 20 patents filings in 3 years’ time. Dr Wang founded Nanjing HaiWei Pharmaceutical Technologies Co., Ltd. in 2018.

Prof. Xiaoqiang Xiang is currently Director for Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. He is also PI of Shanghai Technical service platform of pharmacometrics. He had done clinical research of pharmacogenomics and pharmacokinetics with a focus on anticancer drugs in National cancer center Singapore and conducted preclinical DMPK studies of drug development in CombinatoRx Singapore. After he joined Fudan University in 2012, his research interest focused on PBPK modeling. He has been awarded 8 national or Shanghai research grants as PI. Until now, he has published 86 SCI-indexed papers including 6 ESI-highly cited papers. He is associate director of the Shanghai Society of Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics.

Dr. Zhong obtained his Ph.D. (1989) degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Bonn, Germany. From 1994-2005, he worked as a professor in Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. Since June 2005, he has led the Center for DMPK Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published more than 400 papers He is a member of Chinese Pharmacopeia Commission and drafted the Guidance for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Drug Preparations as well as Guidelines for Bioanalytical Method Validation for Chinese Pharmacopeia 2015. He also severs as an editor for Biomedical Chromatography, Journal of Chromatography B, and Bioanalysis.

Director for DMPK, GenFleet. PhD of DMPK; 15 years experience in the drug discovery and development; lead the DMPK group for small molecule or antibody drug discovery and development in GenFleet; published articles in Expert opinion on drug metabolism and toxicity, AAPS J, frontiers in pharmacology and etc. as first author and (or) corresponding author. Contributed in 4 approved tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including Fruquintinib, Surufatinib, Savolitinib, and GFH925 (IBI351).

Dr Tatjana Ž. Verbić is Associate Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Chemistry (UB-FC) where she obtained BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees. She was research associate at University of Utah, Iowa State University, postdoctoral fellow at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Fulbright Visiting Scholar at St. John’s University, New York. Her research is focused on fundamental scientific studies of various types of chemical equilibria in biologically active molecules and physico-chemical compound profiling in drug discovery and development, as well as on properties and application of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). She was the leader of bilateral scientific project between Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the participant of many national and international projects. She was the supervisor for 3 defended PhD and numerous MSc and BSc theses. Dr Verbić is member of the Sebian Chemical Society (member of the Supervisory board), the American Chemical Society, and the International Association of Physical Chemists. She was the Vice Dean of Education at UB-FC (2015-2018). Currently, she is the national coordinator for the Matura exam in chemistry, the head of UB-FC publishing center and the commettee for monitoring and improving the quality of teaching, and the Chair of the Nenad M. Kostić board for chemical sciences.

Dr. Jingwu Kang graduated from the Shaanxi Normal University in 1990. He obtained his Ph.D in analytical chemistry in 1997 in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 1997 to 2003 he worked as a post doctor at the State Key Laboratory of Oxo Synthesis, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Department of Pharmaceutical & Pharmacological Sciences, Leuven University, Belgium, and the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Tubingen University Germany, respectively. In 2003, he joined the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a professor. Since 2015, he joins the State Key Laboratory of Life Organic Chemistry. His work mainly focuses on developing new methods for drug screening and target identification.

Hassan Karimi-Maleh works as a professor in the School of Resource and Environment, University of Electronics Science and Technology of China (UESTC). He is a highly cited researcher selected by Clarivate Analytics 2018 (cross-filed), 2019 (Agriculture field) and 2020 (cross-filed), 2021 (Chemistry and Agriculture, two categories in one year) and 2022 (Chemistry and Agriculture, two categories in one year) and Top 1% Scientists in Chemistry and Agriculture simultaneously in ISI Essential Science Indicators from 2014 until now. He has published more than 400 SCI research papers with more than 21800 citations and H-index 92 (according to WOS report) and 27200 citations and h-index 99 (according to Google Scholar). He works on editorial board of more than 20 international journals, such as Alexandria Engineering Journal (co-editor in editor ELSEVIER IF 6.626. He also works as an adjunct Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai, Inda and Quchan University of Technology, Quchan, Iran. He worked as a leader nanobiosensor group at Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam 2019-2020. He published one book with Springer publisher and also one chapter book with the same publisher. Recently, he published a paper in Science journal. He was a plenary speaker at many conferences such as The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022), the 6th Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research 2022, the 7th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Science (abs) (2021) and etc. His main research interest includes the development of chemically modified sensors and biosensors using DNA and enzymes as biological recognition elements for food, biological, pharmaceutical and environmental compounds analysis and investigation of electrochemistry behavior of electroactive materials such as polymers, organic and inorganic compounds. Recently, he focused on the synthesis of nanomaterials and their application in drug delivery and energy storage fields. He has a big network that works in 3 different major entities Environmental research group, Energy research group and Sensor research group.

Dr. Weikang Tao has served as Corp VP and General Manager of Global R&D of Innovative Medicines in Qilu Pharmaceuticals since Sept. of 2022. From Feb. of 2014 to Sept. of 2022, he was in the role of Corp VP and CEO of R&D at Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. where he headed the R&D centers based in China and in the US to discover and develop innovative medicines ranging from small molecule drugs, therapeutic antibodies/peptides, antibody-drug conjugates and immune cell therapeutics for various indications. Under his leadership, the R&D teams delivered more than 50 novel molecular entities into clinical trials in China and abroad, among which eight drugs have been launched in China. Formerly, he worked at Merck & Co., Inc. as a senior research fellow and functional head for more than a decade, where he led a number of drug R&D projects, discovered and developed four drug candidates into clinical trials. Between 2012 and 2014, he took the position of the vice president of R&D at Shanghai Chempartner Co., Ltd, a publicly traded company at that time, taking charge of multiple collaborative projects with MNCs and biotech companies. Dr. Tao has published more than 60 peer-reviewed research papers in peer-reviewed premier scientific journals and he is an inventor of more than 220 issued or pending patents in drug R&D or biomedical research. He obtained a Ph.D. degree from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey and completed post-doctoral research at Princeton University.

Dr. Ma is CEO of Crystal Formulation Services and has 24 years pharmaceutical industry experience with 22 years formulation development and CRO/CDMO/CMO vendor management experience at Merck (US) and MSD (China). Responsible for or supported over 30 new drug development, 5 of which were commercialized. Trained as Chemical Engineer at Lehigh Univ. (PhD) and Tsinghua Univ. (BS).
Decheng MaCEO of Crystal Formulation Services

Zhengdan Zhu, Ph.D, is a drug discovery scientist and head of computational chemistry at DP Technology. He received his doctoral degree from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica and conducted postdoctoral research at Peking University and Beijing Institute of Big Data Research as a joint postdoctoral fellow. His research interests mainly focus on developing and utilizing innovative strategies that combine computational chemistry, machine learning and quantum chemistry techniques to advance drug design and lead optimization. He has over 20 SCI publications and has been cited more than 1000 times, with an h-index of 17.
Zhengdan ZhuHead of Computational Chemistry, DP Technology

Kiyo Sugano is a professor at Ritsumeikan University. He has 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including Chugai Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., Pfizer Inc., and Asahi Kasei Pharma. He then returned to academia. His research interests include the mechanism of oral drug absorption and the physicochemical profiles of active pharmaceutical ingredients in pharmaceutical products. He is the founder of BioavailabilityDesign LLC. Kiyohiko Sugano has respectable experience in pharmaceutical research and development: 1995 Waseda University, MSc (organic chemistry); 1995-2004 Chugai pharmaceuticals; 2002 Ph.D.from Toho University; 2004-2012 Pfizer (Nagoya, Japan); 2007-2012 Pfizer (Sandwich, UK); 2012-2014 AsahiKasei Pharma; 2014-2017 Toho University, 2017- Ritsumeikan University, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor; 2017- BioavailabilityDesign LLC.

Xiancheng Zeng is currently the vice president of Toxicology Research Department. He is engaged in non-clinical safety evaluation research of biotechnology drugs, vaccines and chemical drugs, and is responsible for the team management of toxicology research department. As the study director, completed a lot of package studies including general toxicity and pharmacokinetics studies for 20 class 1 drugs, 8 antibody-conjugated drugs, 10 monoclonal antibodies, 2 hormonal drugs, 2 preventive vaccines and 1 compound drug approved for clinical trials in China and/or the United States.

Prof. Ouyang has a multidisciplinary background in pharmaceutics & computer modelling, with experience in academia and industry. He obtained his bachelor (2000) and master (2005) in pharmaceutics from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China. He completed his PhD in pharmacy at The University of Queensland, Australia. Since 2011, he has pioneered the integration of multi-scale modeling, artificial intelligence and big data techniques in the field of drug delivery – “computational pharmaceutics“. He has published 2 books, 5 book chapters, over 80 refereed SCI journal papers, and over 100 invited talks. He held 11 approved patents, which had been used in medicinal products. He is establishing the first global artificial intelligence (AI)-based formulation platform (FormulationAI). He successfully trained 6 PhD and 30 master students.

Dr. Jiyue Zhang has extensive experience in new drug discovery and development. During his tenure in many multinational pharmaceutical companies, he led or participated in the invention of dozens of new compounds that can be used to treat a variety of diseases, such as analgesia, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, neurodegeneration, oncology, and immune system diseases. Among them, eight drugs have been successfully approved and marketed. Formerly, he worked at Pfizer USA as Fellow from 1993 to 2003, at GlaxoSmithKline USA as Associate Director from 2003 to 2008 and at Novartis China as Director from 2008 to 2020. He served as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of Youngene Therapeutics, and currently serves as Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aubrak Therapeutics.
Jiyue ZhangAubrak Therapeutics, CEO

Dr Yuanfeng Xia received his bachelor degree from Peking university and completed his PhD education major in pharmacology and biological sciences at Vanderbilt University. Dr Xia has more than 15 years of early drug discovery experience in a wide range of therapeutic areas including oncology, immunology, metabolic and endocrine etc. Prior joining GenSci, Dr Xia worked in WuXi Apptec (DDSU), Where he headed the biology team. His team has contributed to more than 100 IND filings and currently there are more than 50 projects under clinical development.
Yuanfeng XiaGenSci Pharma, Executive director

Dr. Wei Li,Expert in the Theory and Application of DMPK,has served as professor in School of Pharmacy, North China University of Science and Technology since July of 2018, and founded Tianjin Ruicheng Jianda Medical Technology Co., Ltd. in June of 2023. From July of 2013 to June of 2018, he was in the role of director of center of innovative research at Tasly R&D institute. From July of 2002 to June of 2018, he headed the DMPK platform of Tasly R&D institute. He attended the founder of several biotech companies and had served as experts for several biotech companies since 2015. He obtained a Master's degree from China Pharmaceutical University and a Ph.D. degree from Tianjin University, and completed post-doctoral research at National Institute of standards and technology (NIST, USA) and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences separately.
Wei LiJianda Medical Technology

Dr. Tan joined School of Pharmacy, Fudan Univerisity in 2009. Dr. Tan’s lab is interested in identifying novel druggable targets for fighting cancers. Dr. Tan obtained his BS and MD degrees from Chinese traditional Medicine of Hunan, and Tongji Medical University, respectively.
Wenfu TanFudan University

Dr. Feng finished his postdoctoral research in the University of Michigan and then joined Columbia University. In 2010 he came back to China and worked for Sundia and other Biotech companies for several years. In 2019, he founded Leadingtac and focused on the promising yet challenging modality Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD). Dr. Feng has extensive experiences and profound expertise in new drug discovery with track of record by successively delivering several new drug candidates to the clinical trials for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, stroke, inflammation and other diseases, including the recently launched SGLT-2 inhibitor, Bexgaliflozin.
Yan FengShanghai Leadingtac Pharmaceutical

Dr. Xingquan Ma is the co-president and head of Chemistry at ChemPartner. In his previous roles in drug discovery industry, he led ADC, PROTAC, and Oligonuleotide R&D programs, supporting many European and American companies on new drug research. He expertise in sugar chemistry and biology, especially separation/extraction/synthesis of saponins, and the synthesis and biological activities of polysaccharide macromolecular conjugates. Xingquan earned a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry.
Xingquan MaChempartner co-president

Dr. Li ZENG joined Jing Medicine as Chief Exexutive Officer in November 2021, bringing with him a wealth of R&D and business operation experience in pharmaceutical industry with a career spanning over 17 years. he held drug R&D, portfolio and project management positions of increasing responsibilities in multinational companies such as Novartis and Eli Lilly as well as in traditional local pharma and biotech firms such as Luoxin, 4B and Harbour Biomed.
Li ZengCEO of Jing Medicine

Dr. Xiaomei Zhuang is a research fellow of the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Dr. Zhuang’s research interests involve ADME evaluation of compounds, nonclinical DMPK evaluation, toxin metabolism and disposition, drug-drug interaction and mechanism, DMPK related xenobiotic toxicity potential evaluation, and PBPK modeling and simulation, etc. She serves as Deputy Chair of CSSX and the DMPK Committee of Beijing Pharmacology Society, and a member of the Chinese Society for Quantitative Pharmacology. She is hosting the National Science and Technology Major Project and the Military Major Project. Dr. Zhuang has authored more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Zhuang XiaomeiInstitute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, AMMS

Dr. Dongyang Liu is now a professor & director of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics Office (CPPO), and deputy director of Drug Clinical Trial Center of Peking University Third Hospital (PUTH). Up to now, he was responsible for clinical trials or MiDD studies of more than 50 novel drugs as PI and published more than 60 international peered articles, such as Acta pharmaceutica Sinica B, EClinicalMedicine, Clin Pharmacokinet, Clin Infect Dis, as the first or corresponding author. He earned National Innovation Competition Award (Rank Six). Currently, he is majorly interested in 1) early phase clinical development for new drugs, 2) PBPK-PD-Disease model research for New drug development and precision dosing.
Dongyang LiuProfessor & Director of CPPO and PUTH

Dr. Hua He is an Associate Professor at China Pharmaceutical University. She has extensive expertise in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model (PBPK), Pharmacodynamics, and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP). Her independent research is focused on developing novel strategies that integrate experimental, mathematical, and statistical techniques to understand the dispositional behaviors and pharmacological properties of therapeutical agents on cancer and cardiovascular diseases. She has been in charge of two National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects. She has published over 20 SCI papers as first or corresponding author.
Hua HeChina Pharmaceutical University

Dr. Xueming Liu is currently the Vice President with Haihe Biopharma and is responsible for leading the CMC team on drug development activities starting from preclinical candidate nomination to marketing authorization application and commercial launch. He has close to 20 years of experience with MNC and major domestic pharmaceutical companies and contributed to the development and commercial launch of 9 innovative drugs and more than 15 generic drugs.
Xueming LIUVice President, Haihe Biopharma Co. Ltd

Dr. Yan-Yan Zhang is currently a Senior Director and Head of Clinical Pharmacology_China Group at AstraZeneca, where he leads a team of clinical pharmacologists and pharmacometricians who provide scientific and strategic support for the development of innovative therapies. His core skills include developing clinical pharmacology plans, performing PK/PD modeling and simulation, applying quantitative methods to optimize dose selection, and integrating data from multiple sources to inform decision making.
Yanyan ZhangSenior Director, AstraZeneca China

Dr. Weiwen Ying founded Ranok Therapeutics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. in 2018 and has been serving as the Chief Executive Officer ever since. Chaperone-mediated Protein Degradation/Degrader (CHAMP™) technology, which is a brand new technology platform of Target protein degradation area, is based on his extensive backgrounds in protein homeostasis research. Dr. Ying has over 20 years’ industry experience in medicinal chemistry, drug discovery, preclinical and clinical development.
Weiwen YingCEO of Ranok Therapeutics

Dr. Yong Cang is a scientific leader in targeted protein degradation, ubiquitin ligase biology and cancer immunotherapy with 30+ publications in top biomedical journals. Dr. Cang is a professor and head of the Laboratory of Targeted Protein Degradation in the School of Life Science and Technology of ShanghaiTech University. He previously was an assistant professor of Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in La Jolla and a professor of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. Dr. Cang co-founded Degron Therapeutics a molecular glue degrader company and consulted for pharmaceutical industry and venture funds. Dr. Cang received a BS from Fudan University and a PhD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He completed his postdoctoral training with Professor Stephen Goff at Columbia.
Yong CangShanghaiTech University School of Life Science and Technology

Dr. Säll started her PhD studies within CAPkR. Her PhD project focused on prediction of complex drug-drug interactions (DDIs) using in vitro data in combination with computer-based modelling and simulation. She joined Development ADME at Novo Nordisk. Following more than 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Säll has gained a comprehensive understanding of the drug development process, covering both small molecules and biologics. Dr. Säll is currently involved in a number of academic and cross-industry collaborations with the overall aim at increasing the understanding of therapeutic peptide DDI predictions. She is the initiator and chair of the EFPIA cross-industry peptide DDI working group consisting of experts from 10 leading pharma companies.

Shenaz currently serves as the GlaxoSmithKline Scientific lead, aligning physicochemical solutions with global research initiatives. Her responsibilities encompass strategizing future plans and ensuring physicochemical support aligns with R&D Chemistry priorities. Shenaz obtained her bachelor's degree in Analytical and Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Hertfordshire. As an Associate Director, she oversees the provision of identity and purity data, along with walk-up platforms for analytical and preparative analysis. Shenaz has led the development and implementation of high-throughput physicochemical screening assays, crucial for enhancing the developability profile of compounds and building in silico models.

Dr. Huiping Amy Guan serves as the Chief Technology Officer of Uprotech Pharma, with over 25 years of extensive experience in small molecule drug discovery accross major pharmaceutical corporations, big CRO, and innovative biotech firms, advancing projects from target validation through IND filing. She held the position of Vice President and Head of Discovery at Yangtze River Pharmaceuticals (2017-2022). She was the Collaboration Head of integrated service for multiple American clients at WuXi Apptech (2012-2017). Prior to these, Dr. Guan had been a Team Leader and Medicinal Chemistry Designer at AstraZeneca Boston (2004-2011), and the Lead Chemist at Sugen Inc. of Pfizer (San Francisco, 2000-2003).

Jashvant (Jash) Unadkat, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Dept. of Pharmaceutics at the School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester and his postdoctoral training at the University of California at San Francisco. He held the Milo Gibaldi Endowed Professorship in the Department from 2016-21. Dr. Unadkat’s research interests are on mechanisms of transport and metabolism of drugs during pregnancy, and transport of drugs across the placental, hepatic, intestinal and blood-brain barrier. Dr. Unadkat has published more than 250 peer-reviewed research papers. He is a fellow of AAAS, AAPS, JSSX, and the founding co-chair (1999-2001) of the focus group of AAPS on Drug Transport and Uptake.

Dr. Wandong Zhang is a Principal Research Officer at the Human Health Therapeutics Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada and an adjunct professor in the Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Medicine at the University of Ottawa. His research areas cover blood-brain barrier (BBB) and brain vascular biology, brain drug delivery, BBB modeling, neurobiology of diseases, signaling mechanisms of neuroinflammation, and the development of neurobiotherapeutics. Dr. Zhang has served as a supervisor for M. Sci. and Ph.D. students and PDFs during the past years and published over 160 papers and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals, international conferences and biomedical books. He is an Associate Editor for the Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience and the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Dr. Zhang’s research work has been recognized with multiple awards at the National Research Council of Canada and in the research field.

Dr. Longwei Sun served as Director of CMC in Asieris Pharmaceuticals since Nov. of 2023, he was in the role of Director and CMC head at Reistonebio Co., Ltd for almost three years, where he built the internal topical drug product development ability, with 2 INDs and 1 phase 3 products achieved.
Longwei SunAsieris Pharmaceuticals, Formulatio Head

Dr. Wei Zhu is the Head of Medicinal Chemistry at China Innovation Center of Roche. He pursued postdoctoral studies firstly at European Institute of Chemistry & Biology (France) with Prof. Léon Ghosez, and then at University of Pittsburgh (USA) with Prof. Dennis Curran. He joined Roche in 2009 as a scientist. Since then, he has been taking increasing roles and responsibilities, and was appointed as Head of Medicinal Chemistry in early 2020. His research interest focuses on small molecule drug discovery spanning the disease areas of oncology, virology and immunology. He has led cross-functional teams to deliver several molecules into clinic. He is corresponding author of peer-reviewed journals/book chapters, inventor of >50 patents, regularly invited speaker on multiple domestic/international forums, and invited reviewer for J. Med. Chem. and ACS Med. Lett.
Wei ZhuChina Innovation Center of Roche

Dr. Yun Zhang, DABT, is a full-time Drug Safety Team Lead (DSTL) at Pfizer since 2017. Dr. Zhang is an experienced drug developer, as a Project Toxicologist, with over 20+ years of comprehensive experience in non-clinical drug development across diverse modalities and therapeutic areas in the biopharmaceutical industry (CRO and large pharmaceutical companies). In addition, he has been actively involved in the SAPA, AACT, and RDPAC activities.

Li has more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. She received her MS degree in Analytical Chemistry from North Carolina State University. She is an experienced DMPK scientist working on different ADME related vitro and in vivo studies at various companies including Shering-Plough (now Merck & Co), Bristol Myers Squibb and Genentech. Li is currently playing an important role in the in vitro Discovery ADME group at Genentech, supporting stability, drug-drug interaction, protein binding studies for drug candidate optimization.

Dr. Zhixiong Zhao received his Ph.D in Computational Chemistry from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China and did his postdoctoral research in Michigan State University. As a CADD researcher, Dr Zhao has worked in XtalPi, Shanghai Hengrui and Ionova Life Science and Beyang Therapeutics.
Zhixiong Zhao CADD Director, Beyang Therapeutics.

Dr Dai obtained a Ph.D. in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics from Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science. She worked at Roche as a DMPK project leader and at HD Biosciences as head of the DMPK department. She contributed in the discovery and development of multiple molecules, covering a wide range of disease areas, including antiviral, oncology, immunology, neurosciences, etc. She has more than ten years of experience in preclinical DMPK.

Irena Loryan is a senior lecturer in pharmacokinetics and an associate professor (Dec 2021-) in the Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University, Sweden. She is the Principal Investigator of the translational Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics (tPKPD) group.

Dr. Guo is the associate director of application science at TandemAI. He has over 15 years of experience in computational chemistry, with over 5 year’s experience in drug discovery industry. Dr Guo obtained his PhD in University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Washington (Seattle). He is responsible for and participates in the development of multiple computational platform tools .
Zhenyu GuoAssociate Director,TandemAI

Dr. WANG Yang has served as Leader of Technology Platform of Shenzhen Hwagen since Dec. of 2021, where he assembled the team to unify flow chemistry, biocatalysis, photochemis
Yang WangShenzhen HwaGen Pharmaceutical

More than 13years of experience in drug non-clinical safety evaluation studies, certified as Diplomat of Certified Toxicologist of CST (DCST) and Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology (DABT). Member of the Mutagenesis Committee of the Chinese Society of Environmental Mutagenesis, Young Member of the Toxicology Committee of the Chinese Society of Toxicology, and Young Member of the Toxicology Committee of Jiangsu Province.
Liqiang ZhouJOINN Laboratories (Suzhou) Co

Ms. Tingting Fu is currently Executive Director of Suzhou Zanrong Pharma Limited (also known as Zion Pharma), a clinical stage biotech company founded in 2018. In this role, she and her team coordinate internal and external resources to support diverse drug discovery and development projects, from target identification to early clinical development.
Tingting FuSuzhou Zanrong Pharma

Dr. Xu Zhang holds a PhD in cell biology from the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
He has extensive experience in the research and development of new drugs for the cardiovascular system and central nervous system and drug cardiac safety evaluation, and has nearly ten years of project management experience in CRO companies.
In 2014, he joined ICE Bioscience InC. and led the team focusing on target-based lead compound screening and optimization, as well as new drug discovery services for the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.
Xu ZhangVice President, ICE Bioscience

Dr. Ying is Excutive Director of Abbisko Therapeutics. She is a biologist with a strong track record and over 10 years of experience in drug discovery and development for innovative medicines. She has led many oncology programs from early discovery to preclinical development.
Haiyan YingExecutive director, Abbisko Therapeutics
Emerging technologies in drug discovery and developments is annual conference taking place in alternate European/Eastern Asia regions
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